Tactics ogre let us cling together Wiki

The Princess is a character class in Tactics Ogre Let Us Cling Together. It is a class exclusive for Kachua Powell after rescuing and saving her at Banisha Castle. It is a class that can only bestowed upon those who are direct descendants of King Dolgare. This class is the ultimate mage type character in the game.

Class Profile[]

The Princess is considered the ultimate mage type character because of her access to all types of spells. It effectively makes her an ideal character to use for any type of situation, whether it can be a healer type, damage dealer type or both.

The Princess also differs from other mage type classes because of the high stat growth in terms of strength and durability. With the highest HP growth among the mage types, she can outlast physical and magical damage than any other mage type classes. She also have high strength and dexterity growth, making her a long range threat as well. However, similar to other mage type, she has low vitality growth, which makes her vulnerable to physical attacks.

The Princess does not specialize with any weapon, but a Staff or a Crossbow is recommended for additional attack.

Known Princesses:

- Kachua Powell, the direct descendant of King Dolgare
